Coronavirus: which face mask should you choose?

FFP masks, surgical masks or "general public" masks? Not all masks are equally effective in protecting against viruses. Let's take a look at the different types of masks.FFP mask, surgical mask, consumer mask: which protective mask should you choose?

FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 face masks

FFP masks are personal respiratory protection masks (Standard NF EN 149). They protect the wearer against the inhalation of droplets and airborne particles that may contain infectious agents. They are available in different shapes: shell, 2-ply, 3-ply, duckbill.

  • FFP1 masks filter out at least 80% of the aerosols (airborne particles)
  • FFP2 masks filter out at least 94% of the aerosols
  • FFP3 masks ffilter out at least 99% of the aerosols
  • FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 masks, the differences
    WHO FOR?
    The FFP1 mask is intended for people who work closely with other people or with people at risk. The FFP2 and FFP3 masks are primarily reserved for health care personnel, public service workers, Covid-19 patients and their entourage.

    3 to 8 hours

    Anti-splash surgical mask

    The surgical mask is a medical mask. It is designed to prevent droplets from being projected from the wearer to the surrounding area and vice versa. However, it does not protect against the inhalation of very small airborne particles, unlike FFP masks.

  • Type I surgical mask: bacterial filtration efficiency >95%.
  • Type II surgical mask: bacterial filtration efficiency > 98%.
  • Type IIR surgical mask: bacterial filtration efficiency > 98% and splash resistant.
  • Anti-splash surgical mask
    WHO FOR?
    People showing symptoms of Covid-19 (cough, fever, aches...). In the current context, these masks are also recommended to protect healthy people not showing symptoms.

    3 to 4 hours

    The "barrier" or " general public" mask

    The "general public" mask is a fabric mask that complements barrier and physical distancing gestures. It is washable at 60°C, reusable and meets specific health standards for filtering droplets. The Direction Générale des Armées (DGA) is responsible for testing the prototypes of the manufacturing companies, checking that they correspond to the AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation) protocol, before approving them. They can be recognised by these logos:
    logo of approved barrier masks and general public masks

    There are two types:

  • Category 1: masks for use by professionals in frequent contact with the public such as cashiers or law enforcement officers... They filter out at least 90% of the circulating particles size 3 microns or more.
  • Category 2: protective masks for public use especially suited for persons who occasionally come into contact with others in a professional context. They filter out at least 70% of circulating particles size 3 microns or more.

  • WHO FOR?
    Any healthy person without symptoms.

    4 hours and washable between 5 and 30 times at 60°C;

    Although they are not all as effective as surgical masks or FFP2 or FFP3 masks, fabric masks have the merit of limiting the transmission of sputum from the wearer as well as hand-to-mouth contact. In addition, they also unconsciously promote distancing from the people surrounding them.

    Good to know:

    Beware of masks with one or more vertical seams along the nose, mouth and chin... They may allow droplets to pass through. In view of the increasing number of "home-made" masks of unproven effectiveness, AFNOR is making an official pattern available to everyone.


    Face masksBacterial filtrationFiltration of suspended particlesWho for?Duration of use
    FFP180%People who work closely with other people or with people at risk4 hours
    FFP294%Health care staff, public service workers, Covid-19 patients and their families4 to 8 hours
    FFP399%8 hours
    Surgical mask type I95%People with symptoms of Covid-19 (cough, fever, body aches...) and healthy people without symptoms3 or 4 hours
    Surgical mask type II98%
    Surgical mask type IIR98%Yes
    General public category 190%Professionals who frequently come into contact with the public
    General public category 270%People who occasionally have contact with other people at the workplace
    Whatever mask you are going to wear, it is important to respect barrier gestures and physical distance. The mask is only an additional protection. You must also strictly adhere to the instructions for the use of protective masks for them to be effective. Take care of yourself.:)