Referentie : 8461730
Referentie : 8461730
Showcase your menu and pricing on the Lockable Indoor Notice Board with Sliding Doors. This board features 4 mm tempered, lockable safety glass with sliding doors, has a depth of 30 mm, and is fire-resistant with an EN 13501-1 class C certification. It has rounded, safe corner edges and is suitable for indoor use. Available in various sizes, this board is perfect for schools, elevators, or public areas to display fire evacuation routes.
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U bezoekt momenteel de pagina Vergrendelbaar Notitiebord Met Schuifdeuren 24x A4 van de categorie Uithangvitrine
Heeft u overwogen om de volgende categorieën te bekijken: Vlaggen, School, Klassement, Prikklokken, Documenthouders, Tentoonstellingsmateriaal, Planners, Verkiezingsmateriaal, Signalisatie, Prikborden