Beach Flag Alu Wind Complete Set Open 24/7 Engels Kruisvoet

Referentie : 8462252

Beach Flag Alu Wind Complete Set Open 24/7 Engels Kruisvoet
Beach Flag Alu Wind Complete Set Open 24/7 Engels Kruisvoet
Beach Flag Alu Wind Complete Set Open 24/7 Engels Kruisvoet

Beach Flag Alu Wind Complete Set Open 24/7 Engels Kruisvoet

Referentie : 8462252


An in-demand Beach Flag that fits perfectly in various locations, from gas stations and malls to the hospitality industry and events. Featuring a robust aluminum pole with a 28 mm diameter, it includes a standard wind-shape print design and comes with either a water tank or Cross-Base stand. Select the print design to match your event. An attractive flag for your indoor and outdoor advertising needs.

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