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Box of 5000 staples for stapler Bostitch B8R
Staples Bruneau 24/6 galvanized - box of 1000
Box of 5000 staples SP 19.6
Box of 5000 staples Rapid 26/8 galvanized Super Strong
Staples Bruneau 24/6 galvanized - box of 5000
En_bte 1050 agrafes bostitch b8 b8p
Staples Rapid Standard 24/6 - box of 5000
Box of 1000 staples Rapid 24/6 galvanized
Box of 5000 staples Rapid 26/6 galvanized
Staples Leitz 24/6 Power Performance P3 - box of 1000
En_rapesco agrafes 24/6 1000x
Box 1000 staples JMB n°10
Box of 1000 staples 8/4 bébé copper plated
Staples Rapid Strong 10/4 galvanized - box of 1000 pieces
Box 1000 staples JMB 26/6
Staples Rapid Strong 26/6 galvanized - box of 1000 pieces
Box 5000 staples Bruneau 19 1/4
Box of 1000 standard staples Rapid - 26/6
Box of 2500 staples for Leitz 5532E
Agrafes Bruneau 26/6 galvanisées – Boîte de 5000
Staples Rapid Omnipress 60 galvanized - box of 1000 pieces
Box of 1000 staples n°10 Maxiburo
Staples Rapid 26/8+ SuperStrong galvanized - box of 1000
En_bte 1000 agrafes leitz power 26/6
Box of 1000 staples Rapid n°10 galvanized
Box of 5000 staples Zenith 130/E 6/4
Box of 5000 staples Rapid SP19/6 galvanized
En_bte 5000 agrafes leitz p3 24/6
Box of 1000 staples 24/6 Maxiburo
Staples Bruneau n°10 galvanized - box of 5000
Staples Rapid Standard n°10 - box of 5000
Staples Leitz Power Performance P5 25/10 steel - box of 1000 pieces
Box 1000 staples JMB bébé 8/4
Agrafes Bostitch SBS 19 1/4 - Boite de 5000
En_agrafes p2 no 10 1000x
En_bte 1000 agrafes zingue p3 26/6
Box of 1000 staples Rapid 21/4 galvanized Strong
Staples Rapid Strong 24/6 Red Stripe copper-coated - box of 2000
En_bte 5000 agrafes rapid onipress 60
Staples Bruneau baby 8/4 copper - box of 5000
Staples 923/15 1000 pieces galvanized
En_agrafes 9-8mm galv bte 5000
Gb_rex b/2500 agrf odyssey2100050
En_agrafes rapid 21/4 galv 5000x
EN_BT. 1000 AGRAFES 26/6
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You are now visiting the page Standard staples .The customers who have consulted this page, have also visitedthe following assortments : Staples & accessories containing Strong staples or Staple remover.