Binding (6 articles)

Pack binding machine Quasar Wire manual + 100 metallic binding rings white 8 mm

Pack binding machine Quasar Wire manual + 100 metallic binding rings white 8 mm

En_bte 100 plats relier pvc 30/100e a4 cristal

En_bte 100 plats relier pvc 30/100e a4 cristal

Fellowes Pulsar 300 binding machine

Fellowes Pulsar 300 binding machine

En_bte 15 bag. a relier noir serodo 18mm

En_bte 15 bag. a relier noir serodo 18mm

Electric binding machine " Fellowes Galaxy"

Electric binding machine " Fellowes Galaxy"

Binding machines metal rods Fellowes Quasarwire

Binding machines metal rods Fellowes Quasarwire

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