Other filing systems (7 articles)

Storage box polypropylene 1,18 L Cep Bella

Storage box polypropylene 1,18 L Cep Bella

Storage box cardboard Leitz Click & Store Wow Cube size L color

Storage box cardboard Leitz Click & Store Wow Cube size L color

Classification module Leitz Click&Store Wow H 20 x W 28 x D 36,8 cm

Classification module Leitz Click&Store Wow H 20 x W 28 x D 36,8 cm

Storage box polypropylene 9,15 L Cep Bella

Storage box polypropylene 9,15 L Cep Bella

Storage box polypropylene 4,22 L Cep Bella

Storage box polypropylene 4,22 L Cep Bella

Cardboard drawer boxes Fast A4 - Set of 10

Cardboard drawer boxes Fast A4 - Set of 10

Storage box polypropylene 1,9 L Bella

Storage box polypropylene 1,9 L Bella

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In order to see more articles, we invite you to visit also, the following assortments : Boxes with lid or Case with drawers .
The customers who have consulted this page, have also visited these sections:Filing & archiving containing Archive boxes , Archive cases , Accessories or Filing boxes .